Well, I am here in "Shopping del Sol," which looks just like an American mall, except the words are mostly in Spanish. There is even American music playing. It is weirding me out quite a bit. Asunción is definitely not Ciudad del Este. It was great to hear from you all, and see you when the video was working. That time flew by, but I am sure that is how it always goes. It won´t be long before we call again in May. I will probably still be here in Amambay. I have the feeling I will be here for a long time. President Agazzani really wants me to help turn around this ward and this zone.
This week I have gotten to work with both District Leaders in our Zone, doing exchanges and studies with them. Elder Portillo (from Argentina) is a great worker, and we found some miracles together. Elder Speedy (from Logan) is also an incredible missionary, but he has a tough branch to work with. There have been serious problems with the leadership and past missionaries, so he is trying to fix all that.
We are working hard to help our zone, especially through the district leaders, and I have discovered the importance of having other people in mind when you study. It really helps you learn more, especially when studying the lessons in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. The missionary handbook says we need to focus our study on that chapter, something I haven´t really done because I kinda felt like I already know it all. But there is really always much more to learn, study, be reminded of, and ponder. There are also many more good scriptures to use in the lessons that the ones that are in the lesson.
It has been another challenging week of finding new investigators (just one). We have run into a couple more atheists, who are so hard to help. For all their talk about science and truth, they close their minds and hearts to everything we testify of. I know there is only so much we can do, but do you have any ideas on how to help someone who has chosen to deny the existence of God?
I love getting emails from you all. Daniel makes me laugh a lot, and I am very happy for his success in the ACT. I hope you all fun this New Year´s Eve and that you remember daily how much the Lord has given us.
Con Amor*,
Elder Morgan
*With love
*With love
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